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Fused Media and Applications
I have just taken my first steps into the world of Augmented Reality thanks to ARToolKit. Following on from Monday's lesson, I downloaded the necessary software and h
ave been following tutorials about merging the real and virtual world.
This is a really interesting topic and could lend itself to many applications, which will be explored over the coming weeks.
Semester 2 Module
Module Leader: Professor Mohammad Ibrahim
This module started today, launching into C++ and the way it is used to created augmented reality applications. There will be two pieces of coursework and an examination for this module.
Skills in practice:
C++, 3D graphic design, augmented reality and fused media
Semester 2 Module
Module Leader: Dr Sophy Smith
This module discusses "what are performance technologies?" and then offers each student the chance to create their own piece (in whatever form) of performance technology.
Skills in practice:
Research, application and creation of performance technology
Semester 2 Module
Module Leader: Dr Sophy Smith
This module builds on the Semester 1, Research Methods module and gives the opportunity to research a topic of choice. I intend to research the use of the computer in creating art.
Skills in practice:
Academic research methods
Semester 1 Module
Module Leader: Professor Martin Richardson
This Art and Design module has been a fantastic opportunity to learn about anaglyphs, lenticulars and holograms. This module has not completely finished, as the external examiner does not come to the DMU until March. I have created a log book documenting all of my work, thinking and processes involved in this module and will be submitting this along with examples of my lenticular work and my best holographic example, following the theme of "memory".
Future updates will follow, as work is completed in preparation for the external examiner's visit.
Skills learned and developed:
Creation of anaglyphs, lenticulars and holograms
Semester 1 Module
Module Leader: Dr Sophy Smith
This module covered "the principle methods of research across a range of technology-centered disciplines". The module was assessed through a group research proposal, presentation and individual reflective report about the working practices used in the creation of the research proposal.
Skills learned and developed:
Academic research methods, group work and other key skills
Semester 1 Module
Module Leader: Professor Mohammad Ibrahim
The module covered Object Oriented Programming (OOP), how to use Flash and interactive web site development. Assignment One was a prototyping exercise concerning the creation of a web site for a shoe company. Assignment Two was the design and creation of a web site to meet a client's needs. The rest of the module was made up of an examination in web site, covering web site structure and feedback, the creative process, multi-modal human computer interaction and OOP.
Skills learned and developed:
Flash, OOP, XHTML, CSS and PHP
Well, this is my first ever blog post.
I'm setting up this blog to document the work I carry out as part of the IOCT.
Welcome to my blog and keep checking for further updates!