Fused Media and Applications

During the lesson we looked at some OpenCV code for face detection and adding graphics by combining OpenCV and OpenGL.
The lecture covered examination material and the content of some of the papers which will be covered in the examination.

Performance Technologies

Dance Box @ Kinky was held in Level 1 of the Student's Union at DMU last night (Thursday 10pm-Friday 3am).
The event had a high attendance level and we recorded 75 different Dance Boxes for the Dance Box wall.
The Dance Box team made the event go as smoothly as possible and worked really well together. I thank them for all of their support.

Major Project

I've just presented my Major Project proposal and presentation.

Major Project

I've just presented my Major Project proposal and presentation.

Fused Media and Applications

This week's lesson looked at a face detection program in OpenCV.

The lecture covered image processing and the stages used in working with augmented reality and virtual studios.

Performance Technologies

I set up the system in the IOCT today, got it working and carried out a few test examples in The Dance Wall process.

I also went to Level 1 to carry out an on-site technical set-up. This raised a few questions about positioning equipment on the night, networking Macs together and linking projectors to the system so that they show The Dance Box Wall. Some of these issues have since been sorted and others will be discussed with the technical staff at Level 1 on Monday.

Performance Technologies

Ian came in to the IOCT today to help me improve the speed of the processes involved in The Dance Box.

Fused Media and Applications

We spent the lesson trying to download OpenCV onto our Macs and PCs.

The lecture covered how OpenCV could be used in our projects. We then looked at image processing, histograms and edge detection.

Performance Technologies

I've set up the event page for the Dance Box @ Kinky on 17th of April, 2008.

The Facebook event page aims to advertise the event and make people aware of what will be going on that night in Kinky.

Applied Research Methods

I've been carrying out more research and working on the essay for this module.

Performance Technologies

Having carried out more research, aiming to place my work contextually I have also started work on the supporting documentation for the assignment.