It's been a while since I my last post as I got out of the blogging way-of-life for a while, but, as those around me seem to be embracing blogging I have decided to revisit and update my blog.
Well, such a lot has happened. I'm now a PhD student and graduated from the Masters in Creative Technologies with an MSc Distinction.
The graduation ceremony went well. Six of the eight of us were there, we had an even split between MAs and MScs, and we all passed, hooray!
So now I'm studying under the title "Transdisciplinary Research Methodologies". I've been working on defining the term and understanding related terms, multi and interdisciplinarity. I've been exploring the importance of discipline boundaries and looking at the need for communication and a common language.
I've been researching, through reading (lots of reading). I've started writing a chapter for my thesis. I've attended numerous training courses and have been joining in with Team Meetings and other things going on in the IOCT.
As well as my studies I've also started teaching on a first year undergraduate module. Last semester we were working on XHTML and CSS, this semester it's Adobe Director.
I attended my first conference at the end of January, thanks to the Pro Vice Chancellor for Research who chose me as the DMU representative and Andrew for nominating me. It was a great experience and I gained some knowledge and heard some important advice. I also presented 'my work in progress', which went well and I got some complementary comments and questions afterwords.
Since the conference I've been writing an article about the conference for Vitae Midlands hub newsletter. More updates will follow on this matter. In agreement with the conference organisers I've created a Facebook group for the event to continue the discussions. I've also been working on my entry for the poster competition, having been to the "Poster Design" training course last Friday.
Web Presence:
Other places you can find me on the world wide web:
My website PhD page
My IOCT page, with IOCT Duck
My Masters Major Project blog