July already?!

Again, it's been some time since my last post. Well, what can I say? I'm very busy.

Recent events:
24 June = Many Voices Conference, De Montfort University
26 June = Social Media: Uses and Abuses Conference #uanda, University of Leicester
01-02 July = Interrogations:

Formally reviewed

It's been some time since my last post, I put this down to being very busy.

Last week I had my Formal Review (like an Annual Review, but they call the first one a Formal Review). It went well and brought up some interesting points to think about.

I'm currently working on a range of things. The literature review continues (and will continue for some time yet, as guided by my case studies), I'm developing a conceptual framework, on which to base my methodologies and also doing things like finalising my poster for the regional competition, preparing my presentation for a conference and writing another conference paper.

And the winner is...

Last Wednesday (22nd April 2009) was the De Montfort University Research Degree Students' Poster Competition and Research Showcase event.

I had entered a poster and so got there ready to present my Poster and Research to a panel of judges and other interested parties.

At the end of the day the results were announced, and as you can imagine I was very pleased when I was awarded first place!

This means that I will now go on to the Regional Finals with the top-five poster winners from DMU.

Transdisciplinary texts

It's been a busy couple of days since the Easter holidays. I've found lots of papers about transdisciplinarity and am working my way through reading (and understanding) them.

Duck tales

I've had confirmation that my research has been ethically approved.

I'm currently working on a conference paper and wondering how best to record IOCT Duck's travels. IOCT Duck has just returned from Los Angeles, thanks to Ben, and there are some great photographs.

Signed, sealed, delivered

The registration document is in!

It's been completed, checked, signed and handed over to the Research Office. I should know by the end of the week if my ethics form was OK and if I've got ethical approval for the research.

So, it's on with the research and the writing. I'm working on interdisciplinarity and discipline boundaries at the moment.

And so it continues...

The registration document continues.

I've finished my poster and submitted it for the competition. People are coming to support me and it on the day, so that's really good.

My research has recently focused on interdisciplinarity and disciplne boundaries, as I'm writing a paper on this for a conference.

Variety is the spice of life

This week has included a lot of variety. I've been working on my Registration document, conference paper, general research and organising TECH1001, the module I'm a Part-Time Lecturer on.

The week started with a course in Microsoft PowerPoint. I managed to get through the work in half a day, so got on with some research in the afternoon.

Yesterday (Wednesday) was nicely varied; taught in the morning, went to Special Olympics Roadshow to get information about volunteering, lunch, watched a Flash Mob outside the Campus Centre, went to the library with Motje to give feedback about the new research students only rooms, ammended Registration document, went to watch Ben in the BCS Competition, and woohoo, Ben won! Obviously Ben's success required a celebration, so there was a visit to Level 1 for a quick drink.

Today (Thursday) I've been working on my poster and conference paper.

Election Fever

I've just returned from the Announcement of Election Results in Level 1, the Student's Union. Ben and I had gone to Level 1 to hear the results.

Good news, I have been elected as the Postgraduate/Research Student Officer 2009-2010! A huge thank you to all those who voted for me, I really appreciate it.

My term of office starts on the 1st of July, 2009. I'm looking forward to it, it will be good to feel part of the Students Union and that I'm doing my bit. I'm also looking forward to working with the next Executive team and Union staff.

The big question, the PhD question

I've spent the last couple of days pondering and puzzling over my PhD question. My registration document is due in soon and I need to decide on a question that will keep me entertained for the remainder of my PhD studies, as well as being of PhD quality.

I have been thinking about a question for a while and had written down some ideas. I had a meeting with my second supervisor on Monday, which was very beneficial and got me thinking about the question from a different perspective.

So, going from having very few ideas, I've currently got a list of approximately 30 questions. I've narrowed this down and have sent some to my first supervisor, for us to discuss at our meeting tomorrow.

The search for the question continues.

First conference paper accepted

Great news! The first conference paper abstract I have submitted has been accepted. The title of the paper is "The role of discipline boundaries in transdisciplinary research". The conference is "Interrogations - Creative Interdisciplinary in Art and Design Research Conference", to be held at Loughborough University, 1st and 2nd July 2009.

This is really good news as it means my work will be peer-reviewed, a key part of the PhD. So now, I have to put the paper together and produce a PowerPoint to accompany my 20 minute presentation.

Running and Voting

I'm running for Postgraduate/Research Student Officer in the DSU elections.

Campaigning started yesterday (Wednesday) at 12pm, so I can now officially tell people what post I'm going for. If elected (fingers crossed) I'll be the postgraduate and research student representation at Union level. It's a part-time role and will allow me to continue with my studies.

For anyone reading who is a DMU student and wants to know more (and hopefully) vote for me, my manifesto can be found at my.dmu.ac.uk and www.demontfortstudents.com/vote. Voting can be done through my.dmu.ac.uk

I shall be wearing my yellow campaign tshirt around Campus and keep your eyes peeled for my green posters!

Keeping Busy

It's a busy week, with lots going on.

Yesterday (Wednesday) I taught in the morning, attending a PRSA talk in the afternoon, followed by a cup of tea (thanks to Motje) over in MTI, then a focus group, then a chance for some research to be carried out and then Candidate's Questions at the Student Union.

Today (Thursday) I've been working on my entry for the Poster Competition. The forms have to be in next week, so I'm trying to make sure that I'm happy with the title and general content.

Still, it's better to be busy and have things to do.

All mixed up

I've been reading "Mixed Methodologies", Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998), and have come across the confusing fact that the following terms exist and need to be understood:
  • mixed methods
  • multiple methods
  • mixed-up models
  • mixed model
  • "integrated methodoloical approach...to combine methods" Tashakkori and Teddlie (1998) p.13
  • multimethod
  • "triangulation of methods"
  • monomethod
  • multilevel
  • multimodel
  • "mixed-methodology designs" Creswell (1995)
  • "methodological mixes" Patton (1990)
  • mixed studies
  • mixed methods
  • multiple methods

Busy busy busy

Well, once again it's been a busy few days in the IOCT.

I've been doing lots of things, including pondering my Registration document (it requires quite a lot of thought), reading (again, lots of) and taking note of important things, working on a potential poster design for the Poster Competition, photocopying books and visiting the library.

Today we had our first IOCT PhD Researchers lunch. It was good to meet IOCT-ians I hadn't previously met and to hear what they're working on. It was also great to catch-up with the students I do know and hear how their projects are progressing.

Masters to PhD

It's been a while since I my last post as I got out of the blogging way-of-life for a while, but, as those around me seem to be embracing blogging I have decided to revisit and update my blog.

Well, such a lot has happened. I'm now a PhD student and graduated from the Masters in Creative Technologies with an MSc Distinction.

The graduation ceremony went well. Six of the eight of us were there, we had an even split between MAs and MScs, and we all passed, hooray!

So now I'm studying under the title "Transdisciplinary Research Methodologies". I've been working on defining the term and understanding related terms, multi and interdisciplinarity. I've been exploring the importance of discipline boundaries and looking at the need for communication and a common language.

I've been researching, through reading (lots of reading). I've started writing a chapter for my thesis. I've attended numerous training courses and have been joining in with Team Meetings and other things going on in the IOCT.

As well as my studies I've also started teaching on a first year undergraduate module. Last semester we were working on XHTML and CSS, this semester it's Adobe Director.

I attended my first conference at the end of January, thanks to the Pro Vice Chancellor for Research who chose me as the DMU representative and Andrew for nominating me. It was a great experience and I gained some knowledge and heard some important advice. I also presented 'my work in progress', which went well and I got some complementary comments and questions afterwords.

Since the conference I've been writing an article about the conference for Vitae Midlands hub newsletter. More updates will follow on this matter. In agreement with the conference organisers I've created a Facebook group for the event to continue the discussions. I've also been working on my entry for the poster competition, having been to the "Poster Design" training course last Friday.

Web Presence:
Other places you can find me on the world wide web:
My website PhD page http://www.hellomeduck.co.uk/index_phd.html
My IOCT page, with IOCT Duck http://www.ioct.dmu.ac.uk/~zallman/
My Masters Major Project blog http://ioctbreakout.blogspot.com/